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Face plastic surgery
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Breast plastic surgery
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Mummy makeover
Our famous plastic surgery package deal Mummy Makeover

Package price (*Flight ticket not included)      €5900
Package include:     
Breast enlargement (with or without lift and with or without implants)     
Tummy tuck (small or big)     
Liposuction of abdomen / hips     
All post-surgery requirements     
1-2 nights at the clinic (after the surgeon's assessment)     
Best quality implants, special bra, medicine for home use and special massage after surgery   
2 surgeons present at the operation     
Blood test before operation.     
Airport pickup     

Face-lift surgery

A precisely done facelift plastic surgery can make the patient look rejuvenated and bring more confidence by enhancing their appearance. This surgery is selected to remove saggy skin and smooth out wrinkles. If necessary during this operation a brow lift, eyelid surgery or skin resurfacing with laser treatment procedures can be performed.

The process of the facelift plastic surgery:

a. The surgeon will cut in your hairline, down past the front of your ears and up into your hairline again behind your ears. If you are having your jawline lifted, cuts may also be made under your chin.
b. A doctor will carefully separate the skin from the underlying tissues.
c. Then, excess fat will be repositioned or removed and the muscles or surrounding tissues will be tightened. With some techniques, permanent stitches may be left under your skin, which holds the deep tissues together in the lifted position. They are necessary to reduce tension on the skin when it is closed.
d. A surgeon will pull back the skin and trim any leftover skin. Then, it is stitched back to the line, where the cuts were first made.
e. After the surgery, we recommend recovery in bed for 2-3 days and it is required to wear a special splint for 2 weeks. Stitches are usually removed after 10 days. After facelift plastic surgery, it is necessary to wear a special splint for 2 weeks.
The surgery usually takes 3-4 hours, depending on targeted areas and what you are having done. Suitable options and facelift surgery procedures are explained in more detail during the consultation with your plastic surgeon. You will get all required consultations and aftercare at our clinic in Dublin. Facelift plastic surgery will be done in Lithuania.


Rhinoplasty (Nose surgery)

During rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon reshapes your nose and corrects the symmetry and proportions. Primary rhinoplasty is used to describe the procedure carried out on the nose for the very first time and a subsequent surgery is referred to as secondary rhinoplasty. This cosmetic procedure is used to fix particular deformities of the nose, which might occur from birth defects, past injuries, or aging. Most common changes performed by surgeons are:

– Reducing the size of the whole nose;
– Changing an angle between nose and upper lip;
– Eliminating or reducing the nose hump;
– Changing the tip of the nose;
– Reshaping nostrils.

It is essential to discuss the desired effects with your doctor before the rhinoplasty plastic surgery to decide which particular changes would be the most suitable for your face. All required consultations will be done at our clinic in Dublin. After the consultation, a picture to reflect the appearance after rhinoplasty plastic surgery is created to allow you to see the changes.

Surgery will take place in Lithuania. The surgery duration is 2-4 hours. The patient goes under general anesthesia. The day after the surgery, you are able to go home for rehabilitation and you continue your daily routine in 10 to 14 days. You will get all consultations and aftercare at our clinic in Ireland Dublin.  Rhinoplasty surgery will be done in Lithuania.


Otoplasty surgery (ear surgery)

Otoplasty surgery in Lithuania aftercare in Ireland. Otoplasty is the term referring to ear surgery, which can be done for aesthetic or reconstructive purposes. It is necessary to enhance the appearance of protruding ears, make them smaller and reshape any deformities, which may originate from birth or after an external injury. “Ear pinning” is also a common name for classic otoplasty.

The process of otoplasty surgery:

a. The patient receives local or general anesthesia.
b. Depending on your condition and the technique, your surgeon might make incisions on the back or within the inner creases of your ears.
c. After the slits are made, your plastic surgery doctor might remove excess cartilage and skin. Then, the cartilage will be folded into the proper position and secured with internal stitches. The incisions will also be closed with stitches.
d. Your surgeon will bandage the ears in order to protect them and promote the best healing position. The wound dressing has to be changed the next day.
e. 7-8 days after surgery, stitches are taken out and a bandage over the ears must be worn for the next week (7 days of 24 hours per day). Later, it is advisable to wear the bandage during sleep for additional 2 weeks.

The duration of otoplasty operation is usually 1.5 hours. After the otloplasty procedure, a patient can almost immediately recover at home and they might feel slight pain for 1-2 days. Other complications after ear surgery are rare. For 3% of all patients there is a light bleeding for the first couple of days. For the same amount of all patients the ear can return to the previous position in 2-3 months, but then the second corrective surgery can be done. You will get all consultations and aftercare at our clinic in Ireland Dublin.  Plastic surgery will take place in Lithuania.


Breast Enlargement surgery

Breast augmentation surgery can increase patient’s confidence and make your breasts appear fuller while still looking natural. During the consultation, your surgeon will offer and explain the most suitable method of the surgery, implant shape and size for you, to achieve the desired results. Usually, the procedure, when the implant is placed above the pectoral muscle is recommended to patients, who have a sufficient amount of breast tissue and want to restore fullness to deflated breasts. Placing the implant under the chest muscle is more suitable to women, who have small breasts and very little breast fat because then the final result appears more natural. Breast enlargement surgery will be made in Lithuania, while you will get all the required consultations and aftercare in Ireland.

The breast enlargement procedure:

a. The patient receives general anaesthesia.
b. Your doctor make incisions. Possible locations are under the breast, around the areola or towards the armpit.
c. The breast implant will be placed either in between the pectoral (chest) muscle and breast tissue, or behind the pectoral muscle.
d. If a Saline implant is used, the doctor will have to fill it in with sterile salt water, once the implant is in place. Silicone implants are placed already filled in with silicone gel.
e. Surgeon will then close the slit with stitches.
The duration of breast enlargement plastic surgery is typically 1-2 hours. You can return home the same day, however, we recommend an overnight stay in our clinic.

Breast enlargement

Breast Lift surgery

Breast lift procedure, also known as mastopexy, is a commonly performed surgery designed to help women whose breasts have become flatter and longer, nipples fall below the breast creases or point downward. Mastopexy usually reduces the size of the breasts, because the excess skin tissue is removed and the breast becomes firmer and rounder. Breast lift surgery can be performed together with breast augmentation, if the patient also wants to increase the size of breast. There are many techniques, so the procedure might vary in order to reach the best result and your doctor will discuss the most suitable option for you during the consultation.

Procedure of a breast lift plastic surgery:

a. The patient receives general anesthesia.
b. Your surgeon will make necessary incisions. Possible locations: around the darker area surrounding the nipples (areolae), downward from the areolae to breast creases, or horizontally under the breast.
c. Your doctor will reshape the breast tissue, deep stitches might be necessary to hold the new position in place. If necessary, the size of the areolae will be reduced as well.
d. Excess skin will be removed and nipples will be shifted into higher positions.
e. When everything is in the desired position, the doctor will gather the breast skin and close the slits.

The duration of the surgery is 2-3 hours and after the surgery, we recommend to stay in hospital additional 1-2 nights. 1 week after surgery, the surgeon will take out the stitches. Breast surgery in Lithuania aftercare in Ireland.

Breast lift

Gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia plastic surgery in Lithuania aftercare in Ireland. Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of male breasts, caused by an imbalance of hormones, when too much estrogen (female hormone) is produced and the body lacks testosterone (male hormone). It typically occurs during infancy, puberty, and middle-aged to older men. It is often confused with pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia, which refers to fat deposit development in the breast area of obese men. Depending on your particular condition, your plastic surgeon may offer two surgery options:
Liposuction. This surgery is offered to patients with pseudogynecomastia, because it can remove breast fat, but not the breast gland tissue itself.
Mastectomy – usually called male breast reduction, when the breast tissue is extracted through incisions, which are made on the lower part of the areola (the darker area surrounding the nipples).
After the surgery scars are barely visible and complications are very rare when an experienced plastic surgeon performs your procedure. Contact us to arrange your consultation. You will get all required consultations and aftercare at our clinic in Ireland (Dublin). Facelift plastic surgery will be done in Lithuania.


Liposuction surgery

Liposuction surgery removes fat cells from specific areas of the body like the abdomen region, back, thighs, arms, neck and face. This is a cosmetic procedure, which does not help you lose weight, however it enhances the appearance by making you look slimmer and shaping the area, where the procedure was performed. There are many methods of liposuction, so you should consult with your surgeon to select the most suitable one for you.

Liposuction methods:

a. Tumescent liposuction is the classic type of liposuction surgery, when a sterile solution (a mixture of salt water, which helps fat removal) is injected into the area that is being treated, together with an anesthetic to relieve pain and a drug that causes the blood vessels to constrict. The affected area swells and stiffens. Then, your plastic surgeon then makes small incisions into the skin and inserts a thin tube. The tube is connected to a vacuum, which suctions fat and fluids from your body. An intravenous (IV) line might be connected to your body to replenish the body fluid. This method is usually selected to remove fat from larger areas of the body.
b. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). This method of liposuction is sometimes used in conjunction with the previous one. The difference is that the surgeon inserts a metal rod, which emits concentrated sound waves under your skin. The energy of soundwaves breaks the fat cell walls and liquefies the fat, so it could be removed more easily. Often it can be done using VASERlipo technology that is minimally invasive, the surgeon can precisely select break up small or large areas of fat while the surrounding tissues are untouched. It is proven to be highly effective, giving patients the defined contours they want while being gentle and leaving less tissue injury than traditional liposuction procedures.
c. Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) is a variation on the traditional procedure. This method uses high-intensity laser energy to liquefy the fat and make it easier to remove through a thin tube placed in the slit. This results in a less aggressive plastic surgery, which may lead to faster recovery times. In areas with thin layers of fat, like the face and the neck, the tube to remove the fat might not be used at all. In this case, the body naturally absorbs and eliminates the liquefied fat. We use Smartlipo technology to perform this procedure.
d. CoolSculpting procedure can also be considered a type of liposuction. It safely and precisely cools the targeted area, to gently and effectively crystallise (freeze) the fat cells underneath the skin and make them die. Through a period of time, your body naturally processes and eliminates the dead fat cells, leaving the area more sculpted and smooth.

The duration of your surgery and the recovery time, depending on the type of liposuction performed and the targeted area. In most cases, at least one day rest in the clinic is necessary. In the first one to two weeks after procedure it is normal to experience soreness, bruising and swelling in the affected body area. The slits made are very small, so any scars will be minimal and quickly fade over time. The full results of the liposuction procedure are usually seen six week after surgery, when all the incisions are fully healed, and area returns to normal state.
You will get all required consultations about the liposuction at our clinic in Ireland (Dublin). Liposunction plastic surgery in Lithuania.


Tummy Tuck and mini tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tuck is the procedure, when the excess skin and fat is removed to restore your abdominal wall resulting in a more toned appearance. The results of this plastic surgery are usually long lasting, if the patient maintains stable weight through a balanced diet and exercise. Surgeon might use one of several techniques to perform the operation.

The usual process of the tummy tuck:

a. The patient will receive general anaesthesia.
b. Your plastic surgeon will make incisions (usually from hip to hip in a horizontal oval or an elliptical shape between your belly button and pubic hairline) to remove the skin and fat. Then, the tissue protecting the abdominal muscles will be tightened with permanent sutures.
c. The skin around your belly button will be repositioned and stretched. Then, the incisions will be stitched back together.
The difference between a tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck is the amount of excess skin and fat your surgeon has to remove. Mini tummy tuck is suitable, when you have little skin that needs to be removed and only one small cut will be enough to tighten the abdominal region.

Usually this plastic surgery lasts two to five hours, depending if you have other procedures done at the same surgery. After the tummy tuck, your incisions will be covered in surgical dressing and small tubes might be placed in them to remove any excess fluid or blood. It is common to feel swelling and moderate pain in the area for about six weeks, sometimes it might last up to three months. Also, it is necessary to wear a supportive abdominal binder for about six weeks after procedure, which will provide abdominal support while the wounds are healing. It is important to be careful when moving and avoid bending, because it could reopen the incisions. We will help you regarding the healing process. Tummy tuck plastic surgery Lithuania, aftercare in Ireland.

Tummy Tuck

Arm Lift surgery

Arm lift — also often called brachioplasty — is a plastic surgery that improves the appearance of under portion of your arm between the armpit and elbow. During the procedure, excess fat and sagging skin is removed and the remaining skin is draped back to create new contours and give the arms a toned look. This change boosts the body image and confidence of the patient.

The procedure of the arm lift:

a. Depending on the situation the surgeon will give you local anaesthesia and sedation or general anaesthesia.
b. The incisions will be made on the undersides of your arms, their pattern and length will depend on how much skin needs to be removed.
c. After making the slits,  surgeon might use a liposuction technique, if it will be necessary to remove excess fat. Then, he will tighten the underlying tissues and secure them with stitches.
d. Then, your plastic surgeon will drape the skin over the new contours and remove any excess skin. After, he will close the incisions with stitches or surgical tape.

The duration of this procedure is usually one and a half – two hours. After surgery, the slits will be covered with bandages. To minimize swelling, your doctor will wrap the arms loosely in elastic bandages and might place small tubes in the arms to drain any excess fluid or blood. After the first couple of days, the bandages and the draining tube might be removed and then you will need to wear a compressive sleeve or bandage, to help the incisions heal, for a few weeks after arm lift plastic surgery. Also, you should avoid lifting your arms above the shoulder lever after the first few days after the arm lift procedure. It is also recommended to avoid any forceful activities with your arms, which would stretch the incisions for about six weeks after surgery and take pain relief medication, if needed, and antibiotics to prevent wound infections. The doctor will provide you with further information about when to remove stitches, and continue exercise, according to your condition.

Arm lift

Thigh Lift plastic surgery

Thight lift plastic surgery in Lithuania aftercare in Ireland. A thigh lift is a plastic surgery during which excess skin and fat is removed from the inner or outer thighs. Sometimes this procedure is combined with liposuction to achieve better results. Patients, who have lost a lot of weight with the help of a balanced diet and exercise, or after a bariatric surgery, but still have a lot of excess tissue on their thighs, often choose this procedure to improve their appearance. The results of this surgery are long lasting, if the patient is committed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and moderate weight after the procedure.

A thigh lift can be performed in several ways. Your surgeon will recommend the most suitable incision length and placement depending on the targeted area, how much skin he or she would need to remove, and the changes you seek to make.

The most common thigh lift surgery techniques:

a. Inner thigh lift. During this type of surgery the incisions will be made at the junction where the thigh meets the pubic area. The incisions will allow him to reach the underlying tissues, while making them barely visible, since the scars can be hidden with underwear. Your plastic surgeon will then remove a part of the excess skin and fat from the region and tighten the remaining skin to improve the leg contours.
b. Mini thigh lift can be offered to patients, who experience sagging on the upper third of the leg and seek only a subtle change. During this procedure the slit in the groin area is very short, which makes the recovery period faster and the scars are only minimal.
c. Outer thigh lift is also known as a bilateral thigh lift. It is a more complex plastic surgery, when compared to the inner thigh lift, because the surgeon will make the incisions at the top of the leg, where the lower edge of underwear would be, creating a shape similar to a “V”. If a larger area needs to be lifted, the incision might be made surrounding the hips, including the buttock area as well. Then, the excess skin and fat will be removed and the remaining amount will be pulled up, reshaped and attached to the place where the incision were made. This technique tightens the skin along the both the right and left sides of the leg, and helps to lift the buttocks as well.
d. Medial thigh lift can alter the shape of legs and remove excess skin and fat from the upper region of the inner thigh. During this procedure, the incisions are made in the groin area (similar to the inner thigh lift) and will be extended back to the crease of buttock, or even the hip region. This technique might also include vertical incisions, that surgeon would be able to access more underlying tissue. The skin will then be lifted, and the shape of the leg will be improved and tightened, by removing excess skin and fat.

The duration of thigh lift surgery depends on the individual situation and technique. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and the first couple of days after operation hospitalization is recommended because tiny tubes might be placed into your incisions to drain out any excess blood or fluid. The first month after the surgery, it is necessary to wear a compression garment to help the incisions heal. Follow-up appointments with the surgeon are necessary to discuss when the stitches should be removed and to monitor your recovery process.

Tigh lift

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